Download the database in Excel format. Includes full contact details. Unlimited access to updated data in 'Blue Book' format.
There are over 700 Hotel Groups & Developers controlling over 5700 hotels in the UK. An in-depth knowledge of their plans, activities and construction projects will ensure that you have a constant flow of new leads to market your products and services
Published twice monthly – Hotel Bulletin features highlights and listings of the
latest UK hotel projects, hotel openings, foreign investment and a wealth of statistics as well as
spreadsheet databases of over 700 Hotel Groups & Developers and 11,330 hotels with 10+ bedrooms in the UK.
Data is available for instant download upon purchase
** New for 2024 - Now includes over 1600 emails personalised for the Hotel Manager **
Download the database in Excel format. Includes full contact details. Unlimited access to updated data in 'Blue Book' format.
Database in Excel format of 11,330 hotels. Includes email addresses, star ratings, number of bedrooms and Group ownership details. Unlimited access to updated .pdf book format.
700+ Hotel Groups/Developers Excel database plus online ‘Blue Book’ directory.
11,330 Hotels with 10+ bedrooms Excel database plus
online geographical directory listing.
690 Architects/Builders specialising in hotels
Excel database.
440+ hotel projects Excel database updated twice
In addition to the Excel files, a subscription includes access to the following links which can be viewed online or downloaded in .pdf format. View Sample
Hover over entry for full details
Interactive New Projects Map with Street and Aerial Views – Click to view sample
Regional Listings
Full example is shown for Wales only
Annual Subscription – £595 + vat